Two years ago, Jed and I threw a Halloween party with our neighbors in Lynchburg. We invited tons of people (all our friends without children, those with were trick-or-treating) and had around 100 people come to 1 of the 3 small duplexes that were open to the party. We had so much fun and this year, we threw one in our new home here in Southaven! The best part was, we had a DJ! As a matter of fact, I can now say that our house has had a noise complaint, a cop came to the door and everything! Not that this is the most exciting thing ever, but I am a bit of a rule follower, really a people pleaser, and I hate getting in trouble becasue that means that a person is looking down on me. Yikes! I've got issues. SO ANYWAYS, we had a bunch of friends come completely dressed up.
We were...............
*Captain Hook and Tinkerbell*

*Belly Dancer and Dirty Cop*

*Our precious Hot Dog!*

*Foxy Cleopatra and Austin Powers*

*Cardiac Arrest*

*My Hamburger*


*My parents totally crashed the part as Serena Williams and Michael Phelps!*
AK was a BANANA!