Friday, February 25, 2011

Marks of the True Christian

I told you I'm taking my time through Romans. As in, I'm really asking God to change me, and I'm reading and re-reading passages. I'm listening to God.

This passage (Romans 12:9-21) has rocked me to the core this week:

Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Happy weekend, ya'll! I get to see P-Dub tonight, but I'm definitely even more excited about having dinner with a bunch of my friends. Maybe I'll take a picture. These girls are my sisters, and I adore them.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day #3!

If you feel like laughing:

If you want to know why pageant girls have bad reps:

If you feel like singing an anthem:

If you want to be called to love others well, know one of the reasons why I'm crazy about adoption, and cry (check out her blog for real inspiration):

If you want to dance:

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

YOUTUBE Week Day 2!!!!

Good morning! I was going to have a theme for each day of this, but alas, I am too ADD. Don't tell anyone.

Today I HAVE to show you a person I know and love...

This is my cousin, Rachel. She's nine. 9. Nine. 9. And she's adorable. And has the wit of a firecracker. Like she's really funny. Oh, and she's really talented.

We sang this song on Sunday morning at church. It's my new favorite. I LOVE this song! This version is a little less funky than the one we did, and forgive some of the cheesy looking people. Bless their hearts. (That's for you, Terrance!) I hope you dance all day to this song because you're singing it in your head. "Your grace is all sufficient, it's an all sufficient grace!"

And now a shout out to our new-ish worship leader, Matt, at Downtown Presbyterian Church. Because he introduced me to that song I love.

Poor thing--not talented at all. :) Bless his heart, too.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

YOUTUBE Week Day 1!!!!

My blog isn't very focused. Some blogs are about cooking, some are about politics, some are about refinishing furniture, some are about family, some are about books--okay you get the picture. My blog doesn't have a theme. And it might not ever have a theme. Unless you consider chaos theme. In that case you'll be happy to know I have a theme.

This week I'd like to showcase some youtube videos that are my faves. I just feel that it's appropriate. Some days youtube makes the world go around. Here's enough for Day 1 of youtube themed week. It's all music. Sorry--I like music:

Hillary--my sis-in-law is always full of amazing music finds. Check The Civil Wars. I think I'm obsessed.

And here's another. I love the contrasts:

And here's a really fun one from them....

Because I love Drama:

I LOVE dancing, and I LOVE this song:

And finally, one of the reasons Braden will take dance lessons:

Peace, people, peace. And happy Sunday.

Friday, February 18, 2011

They Call Him Perfect Jed

Jed says that he's been getting numerous comments about how wonderful I make him sound in my "How Braden Came to Be" blogs. He says it's a little embarrassing. He's really introverted. And really sheepish. And he says it's not all true and that maybe I make him sound too good.

Heaven forbid.

Jed is not perfect. He's a really picky eater. Please still invite us to dinner. He doesn't like onions. Please still invite us to dinner. He doesn't like cooked tomatoes unless it's in a paste like spaghetti sauce. I like your food. He doesn't like little bits of celery or pepper in his food. I'll still eat anything, and he has a good attitude. Please still invite us to dinner. Jed grew up in Korea and he was home schooled. He's obviously very sheltered. Living in Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and America make you very sheltered. Forgive him for not liking those foods.
Isn't he cute though?

That was to prove that not all our newborn pics turned out alright. Thanks, Brooke, for letting us be dorks for a moment.

Jed also doesn't iron his own clothing. He helps with the dishes, he helps vacuum and dust, and he watches Braden, but he refuses to iron. He. won't. do. it. Ask him to iron your shirt! See what happens!!
Jed does not like to speak or sing in public. Nope. He doesn't. Sometimes if he gives a big presentation he says his voice gets shaky. See?? He isn't perfect. He also has a beautiful singing voice. But he doesn't like to sing in public. Or pray in public. Or make public announcements. Or proclaim his love for me loudly from a stage somewhere. Nope. He likes to do those things quietly.

I could just go on and on about how not perfect Jed is.

We do fight. Ask people who are around us a lot. They'll tell you. Sometimes we fight in front of them. Oops. I'll tell you about a fight we get in sometime. That'll be a good blog. Maybe I'll have my 2 readers resolve our argument. Oh, the endless possibilities...
We do try to fight toward something instead of against each other.

I lurve him. Maybe ya'll thought he was perfect bc I called him hot hot hot hot Jed?? Should I not use that many hots?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Heart Kroger

Yesterday a gentleman walked by me in Kroger and said, "I've just seen an angel." I thought to myself, "What a cheesy, atrocious pick up line, but geez, I'm totally flattered." (I was in my sweatpants as usual, but I was wearing a cute, pink shirt with them.)

And then I realized he was talking about my son.

Oh well.

FYI--this child is obsessed with wheels. The wheels on his cars, his trucks, his wagon, the jogging stroller, and even the shopping cart at Kroger. He was actually falling out of my arms in Kroger trying to get to the wheels on the cart so he could put them into his mouth, I'm certain.

Happy Kroger-story-telling Day!

Friday, February 11, 2011

How Braden Came to Be....Part IV

Clomid. Ultrasound. No progress. Sadness. That sums up the July and August months for us. OK--not totally. We made certain to have a few date nights and to have some fun. :) I like fun. And I also really like my husband.

Like I said before, Jed gets to go on amazing trips with his work, and he went to China for two weeks with his dad at the beginning of September. Want me to prove it? FINE! Here is his picture of the Great Wall. See why I'm always jealous of him?
While he was gone, my good friend, Andreana, and my sister, Ashley, and I went to Nashville for a weekend. We had a really relaxing time and while we there I started, ahem....(again, don't keep reading this paragraph if you don't like women stuff) one's best friend--I found that phrase on, isn't it excellent and so very untrue? The three of us threw a "best friend" party and ordered take out bc my body does not usually do the best friend thing on its own. Yay for friends who celebrate the weird things with you!

Two days later I stopped. I was indeed confused and I called the doctor because they'd asked me to call with any cyclical updates. The nurse said, "Have you taken a pregnancy test?" I told her, "No way, Hosea (Her name was indeed not Hosea). I've taken a hundred in the last year and my ultrasound a couple of weeks ago proved I would not have the opportunity this month to even get pregnant." She told me to take one just in case and call the following day. I took one that night. There was no little line. So I did what anyone would do. I put it on the counter, walked out of the bathroom, immediately walked back in the bathroom, and looked again. Faaaaaint line. As in a little bitty, teeny tiny, itsy bitsy line. My head was screaming, "You are not pregnant. This is crazy. It makes no sense." But of course my heart was hoping desperately, and I was quickly in tears.

The next morning, I woke up and took another test. It had a real line this time. A REAL pregnancy line. As in, I was pregnant. I do not lie when I tell you, I dropped to my knees and literally cried out to God, "Thank you, thank you, thank you." I skipped around the house by myself (not figurative, people) crying, and I danced like David did. Well, I did not wear a priestly garment, I wore my sweatpants, but I was uninhibited. Completely and totally uninhibited. And then I composed myself and called the doctor.

Here's what Jed did:
He climbed the Great Wall! No way did I tell him! Not on the phone and certainly not in an e-mail. I did not tell a single soul besides the doctor's office.

That day, I had blood work done at the office. I really like the lady who took my blood. We were buddies by that point, so I told her no one knew and that Jed was in China. She hugged me and told all the other nurses and we did a happy dance in the blood room. Partay in the blood room!

And here is what Jed did:
I continued to go back for blood tests the next few days to make certain that my levels were right. And they were. I was pregnant. Really pregnant. It was one of the most difficult weeks of my life to walk through alone. Horrid! But it was beautiful. God and I just celebrated all week...with no alcohol of course. :) When I was not celebrating I was, of course, worrying. I worried that I would miscarry. I worried that the baby was not healthy. I worried that it was a dream. I like to worry--it's my hobby! I'm starting a support group for habitual worriers. But God really did come in and calm me. He surrounded me with His presence and love and peace. Every time I worried, I remembered that this was His creation, and He loved me and this baby and He was dancing more than I was! He's a better dancer.

And finally Jed came home a week later. I went in to the airport to pick him up, and when he came down the escalator, he said he knew by my face. I was literally jumping up and down and grinning from ear to ear. He walked straight to me, embraced me, and I said, "I'm pregnant." He. was. shocked. That was the last thing he expected when he arrived. We could hardly sleep that night we were so excited. We thanked God for answering our prayers, and we thanked God that we'd gone on those dates after the ultrasound technician told us there was no getting pregnant that month. Wink. (That wink wasn't bc I said something mean. It was a real one with the real meaning of wink.)

The next day we showed each of our families a slide show of his trip to China. This was the next to last picture. Jed's dad ziplining off the Great Wall.
The final picture was of a positive pregnancy test. His family cried and hugged and rejoiced. My family screamed and laughed and cried. We have more girls. Girls scream. :)

This is what my belly looked line then.
And this was it 9 months later.....
And these are my sisters. They are my world.

And this is me with my mom and Jed's mom. I adore them.
And this is Jed. Hot Jed. Hot hot hot hot Jed.
And then there was Braden.

Technically this is just the beginning of His story. I can't wait until he can tell his own....

For this child I prayed, and the LORD has granted me my petition that I made to him.
I Samuel 1:27

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Braden Came to Be....Part III

I just need to point out a couple of the reasons why I wanted kiddos (still want's present and past, people.)

Reason #1-Mi beautiful familia. Spanish is obviously my first language...but for reals, I adore my family. I'll talk about them a lot. I have two younger, beautiful sisters, a gorgeous mom, and a handsome daddy. AND I have so much fun with them. They breed fun. And trouble. But mostly fun. OK being honest-mostly trouble. We look so sweet here in our white though.

Jed's family too. He has three brothers who are all married. And his oldest brother has two kiddos--Kellyn and Gabe. They got good genes. Do you people see those gorgeous children?? Those are my nephew and niece. I knew from the moment I laid eyes on them I needed one! I needed one who'd look like them, who came from the same gene pool, and who could stir up trouble like them. Oh yeah, and they're smart and sweet too. Sigh.

Aaaaand back to the Braden Story. We'd finally told our family and a couple of close friends. And we all boo-hooed.

Jed was by my side for everything. He came to my frequent doctor's appointments and covered well at work, and he coached me through the decisions we had to make. After a few months of Metformin not helping my body out too much, I had a doctor's appointment in July that Jed could not attend. That morning we talked, and I told him I'd just tell the doctor let's keep going with the plan, BECAUSE I WAS OKAY! (My voice gets big when I'm lying). My mom called, found out I was going alone, and said she was going with me. She's like that. She has super-sonic-bad-A-mom-powers that I don't get yet. She knew the appointment could be difficult. She also told me I shouldn't be afraid to be honest with the doctor and communicate that I was tired of Metformin and getting frustrated. But I told her I'd be fine, and that I wasn't frustrated. I was fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. Is there a stinkin' echo???

When Dr. Detti walked in the office that my mom and I were waiting in, I was excited to talk to her. She outlined our plan with Metformin again and I nodded and smiled, and at the end, she asked, "How are you feeling?" I said, "Fine." And my mom gave me that you-are-lying-you-little-hoochie look that moms give really well. so I said, "Well, I'm a l-l-l" and my voice started quivering and I looked down and couldn't finish. And then it happened. The flood of tears. I was humiliated and crying to the fertility doctor. I cried, "I'm a little frustrated because we really want a baby and I feel like we've been waiting forever and this medication is fixing nothing..." And you know what that doctor did?? She handed me Kleenex and said (in her beautiful Italian accent), "Alright. We should be a bit more aggressive and try some fertility medication." That's it. That's all it took. I thought she'd make fun of me and tell me I'd only been trying for a year and some people have to try for way longer. Nope. I thought she'd tell me that only really crazy people try real fertility drugs quickly. Nope. It was like she was a real doctor and she'd actually dealt with women trying to get pregnant for years! Imagine that!!

(Skip this paragraph and the next if you don't like womanly reproductive stuff and just know I got some meds :) I warned you, I did!) So I left the office with a prescription for Clomid--a fertility drug which induced ovulation-- and an injection that I would take halfway through my cycle if I was producing an egg. They would know if I was ovulating because a week and a half into my cycle, I'd have an ultrasound on my ovaries. I felt triumphant. I just knew this was the answer and that it would work! I was so hopeful. So I called Jed and after he got over the initial shock that he'd missed the appointment when I'd had a meltdown in front of the doctor and been prescribed fertility drugs, he was alright with it as well. Smart man.

A little over a month later we made an appointment to have the ultrasound to make certain everything was going well. I just knew it was. Of course it was! I was on Clomid. Clomid is responsible for many of the world's multiple births! Who wouldn't ovulate on that? Right? A sweet ultrasound technician prepped me and called Jed into the room. As she looked at my ovaries, we saw what they call a pearl strand of cysts--very typical of a PCOS patient. And then we saw nothing. No enlarged follicle and no ovulation. I. was. so. sad. I burst into tears. The technician said to get dressed and that she'd come back in a moment. When she came back, I was sobbing in Jed's arms. I don't know why. I don't think I'd even cried for the previous month! Evidently I was pitiful, because the technician started to cry too and hugged me. She kept saying, "Stop making me cry. This is so normal. This medication rarely works the first month. Don't worry about it. It will probably work next month. Don't cry. You will get pregnant." I was humiliated that I couldn't keep myself together.

It is now appropriate for me to tell you about my secret family.

This is our fiesta to celebrate the anniversary of a family house fire. Another story. Another time. Don't tell our families that we have a third family. They get jealous.

Where was I? Oh yes! We left the appointment and it took me a couple of days to recover and decide I'd live. Ha. I really was alright. I knew we'd make it, and I knew that getting pregnant during month one on Clomid was probably unrealistic. So we lived on. Jed had a business trip to China planned, and so we decided that we'd drop the whole pregnancy thing until he got back and just enjoy life for a few weeks. I'm always jealous when he goes on his overseas work trips, but I'm also always really excited for him.....this is where the story gets really good. And Part IV will be the last part of the pregnancy story, I swear!!

Oh, and how could I forget? Reason #11111 to have a baby! When you go to your friend's son's 1st birthday party and he's soooo cute you can hardly stand it. You should definitely give birth to friends for him! It's only fair and only right. It's all about the friends, man.

Those blue eyes.....kill me.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How Braden Came to Be....Part II

Where was I? Oh, yes....we were wanting to start having kids!

When we lived in Colorado, I began to lose a lot of hair, had other issues with...ahem...regular women things, and even had an incredibly painful cyst burst on an ovary. This led to doctor's visits, bloodwork, and an ultra sound. It was then discovered that I had Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). If you want to read all about it, google it. But to make a long, boring story short--my body has insulin issues which causes hormone imbalances. And as you well know, I NEED those hormones to make babies.

What beautiful babies we are capable of making....

Beautiful, beautiful, perfect little babies....
So when we decided to get pregnant, we suspected that my PCOS might play a role in things, but you can never know for sure. When we moved to Memphis, my OBGYN prescribed medication to help treat the PCOS--Metformin. Metformin is a medication that many diabetics take to help with insulin levels. The hope was that Metformin would regulate my insulin, and as a result, my hormones would become more normal.

I mentioned in the last post that I'd been talking about kids for years, but I'm not certain that I realized just how badly I wanted a baby until my emotional meltdown after about six months of negative pregnancy tests. This was a really difficult time for me. I wondered if PCOS was the incorrect diagnosis because the doctors had not been 100% certain and had really not talked me through much. I wondered if I had some other horrible condition. I wondered if we'd adopt, and if so, where would we get the money? I wondered if our road to expanding our family would take years. I wondered why we had not begun the process sooner if we suspected that we'd have problems. I really didn't trust that God's timing was perfect. I knew it in my head, but I didn't believe it with my soul. Have you ever been there? Daily my soul was groaning for faith and belief, but I was believing lies. I finally talked to my OBGYN who quickly referred me to a fertility specialist, Dr. Detti.

I was an emotional wreck because I feared her telling me that I was infertile entirely. We had not told anyone that we were having trouble or considering seeing a specialist, and so Jed had to console and comfort me in those moments. As wonderful as he was, my mind was all over the place. I longed to have children so badly, and patience is a very weak point for me. I saw so many of my friends around me having children, and I rejoiced with them and loved those children so much. I wanted my kids to be their friends!

Dr. Detti ran all sorts of tests on both of us to rule out some things, and it was confirmed that I had PCOS. For the first time, the condition was explained to us so incredibly well, and we decided that we weren't in a hurry (yeah right....I was trying to trust God and Jed was in no hurry), so Dr. Detti doubled my Metformin dose.
A few months later, and probably 10 pregnancy tests later, I still wasn't pregnant. I cried my eyes out. I finally told Jed that we had to tell our families and a couple of close friends. We had wanted to surprise the mess out of the family with, "We're pregnant!" NOT "We can't get pregnant!" I was hurting, and I felt alone, really alone. I needed women who understood the longing for pregnancy, and I needed encouragement and prayer. I cried out to God to make me believe that He knew what He was doing, and I cried out to God that I knew He'd placed the desire for children in me for a reason. I cried because I knew that children would fix nothing. I knew that it would be difficult for little people to live in a house with me, and I'd be frustrated and I'd see more of my sin and the effects of it on others than ever before. But I wanted that so badly. Jed held me, and he comforted me, and he prayed with me. He loved me well. But I needed more support.

So we finally told our immediate families and a couple of very close friends. Our family and friends surrounded us. They spoke God's deepest promises to me. Jed told me constantly that I was fearfully and wonderfully made. My mom told me that it was okay to cry and to want children and that God had already designed the perfect child for me. Rox sent encouraging texts every time I had a doctor's appointment. Jed's mom told me that the Spirit was groaning to the Father the words that I did not have. My sisters called me, encouraged , and hugged me. My daddy prayed with me and for me. They all cried with me. They were my support team. God made it so. He placed them there, and He showed me grace and mercy. He comforted me, He came into my darkness when I felt alone, and He promised me that my contentment was based on Him and not the hope of having children.

So Jed and I worked, played, and lived....very seriously of course, we have no sense of humor at all. I feel bad for us. Poor us.

Whew. I'm emotional. AND exhausted. I need to peace out. Part III very soon!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Braden Came to Be...Part I

Did the title scare you? Good!

I've been meaning to write our dude's story for awhile now. I want to remember it because it was amazing, and difficult, and painful, and God-breathed. It's perfect. But because I am dramatic, and I like to tell stories, I have to start at the very beginning (A very good place to start...thank you Julie Andrews).

In June of 2004, Jed and I got married. This was definitely not the beginning of our story, but it's where I'll begin for now. Any-who, we lived in Lynchburg for the first three years of our marriage, and we constantly went camping, hiking, traveling, skiing, and doing tons of other fun things that people sans kiddos can do. We talked about wanting kids one day, and we both like kids. Sooooo....we took a big step in our lives......

We bought Nikki!!

Here we are camping with our first baby:

We also did outlandish things like manipulate our duplex neighbors into opening ALL of our homes and throwing a massive Halloween party. And all of our friends including us dressed like crazy people....we love dressing up. Some people don't--they lead boring lives and are snobs who take themselves too seriously. Sorry if you're one of them. Get over yourself. Wink. (I think winks make strong opinions sound sweeter. Whaddoyouthink?)

Eventually we moved to Colorado. But that's another story for another time. And eventually we moved to Memphis. And we bought a house, and we started talking.

About the idea of starting a family. OK I'll be a bit more honest. JED started to talk. I had been talking about it for years. I am what my mom calls a verbal processor. Since very soon after we got married, we'd be in Kroger and I'd see a woman with a possy of children following her like ducklings, and I'd point out to Jed that I couldn't wait to have a possy following and bugging me. He'd usually tell me to stop staring and pointing. At restaurants I was (am) the freak that would be making faces at the baby at the next table. Jed would typically ask me why I felt the urge to make faces at miniature people while on a date with him. He loves me.

I might as well mention here that I also struggled with the thought of having children. I am a selfish person, and it was difficult for me to think about all that I would have to give up--dinners for two, independence, my body, vacations, money, and the list goes on. One major struggle for me was the thought of giving up a career. Jed and I both worked at day cares when we were in high school and decided we wanted to have a parent at home with our kiddos. Don't get me wrong--there are some wonderful daycares, and people must make the right decision for their own family. (I'll preach at ya about my feelings on judgemental, anti-daycare people later.) But for Jed and I, we really prayed that God would provide a way that I could at least be home most of the week with our kids until they're in kindergarten. This means no Bad A career for awhile for me. I am not necessarily all about careers, but I AM all about causes, working hard, and using my gifts and abilities.

OK--so back to wanting chirens.

I longed to me a mom, and I longed for Jed to be a Dad. I longed to love a kid, I longed for the sanctification of parenthood, and I longed for a kid to bring Jed and I even closer together. So once we were in Memphis, and quite settled, we knew it was finally business time.

Don't we look so care-free and not frazzled and frantic?? It's because we didn't have a kid. Now I'm matronly and ugly and boring and tired and gray-headed and sweatpant-wearing. Sigh....

OK my fingers are tired of typing, and plus I need to work on a grizzant before the world's best baby wakes up from nap #1. I meant to write the grant first, but I have ADD I think.

Part II to follow soon!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Life for Losers

Romans 8:9-11

You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. but if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness. If the Spirit of him who raise Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Horrarrassment Story #1,892

I think that because I am sitting on my sister AK's bed listening to the rain and working (NO--this is not work, this is a break), I should share with you one of my horror stories. Most people have embarrassing stories, and I have many too, but I have even more horror stories. This one is both horror and embarrassment. A horrarrassment. Look it up in my dictionary.

Almost 4 years ago, while I was attending Liberty University in the Burg, I was a healthnutfreakcrazyperson. I was working out a lot and attempting to drink a lot of water every day. You know those big Nalgenes? The old school ones that we put bumper stickers all over? I would drink 5 of them a day. So my bladder got big and stretched out. Yay! In between two of my classes at school I had to pee real bad. So I ran downstairs to the bathroom and on the way in, I ran into a girl that I had shared classes with in the past. She liked to talk. More than me. That's a lot. So she was talking and talking and talking and I was squeezing and holding it and in pain. And I casually placed one leg in front of the other in order to help myself out. And guess what she did? Talked. And I couldn't say "no" or "hang on" or "just a moment" or "SHUT THE *BLEEEP* UP BEFORE I PEE ON YOU!". I lost all my self esteem and gumption and straightforwardness, and I smiled and nodded. Do you remember where I said I was standing? On the way in. As in, IN the entrance to the bathroom. I was that close, people!

So finally I said I needed to run but I'd see her later, and I spun out of my adorable positioning, and on the first step, that tinkle straight up gushed out of me. Imagine a dark pee circle on my jeans that started at crotch and ended near ankles. Now imagine the whole situation. How do you get to your car to get home and get pants without the whole world knowing? Well, this is where you'll be SO impressed with me. It was the dead of winter and freezing outside and so I had on a spaghetti strap shirt with a fitted cardigan over it. So I stripped the jeans and put them in my backpack. And I took that cute, fitted cardigan which was WHITE and I buttoned it around my waste. Imagine--tight white skirt buttoned up the back. Told you you'd be impressed. Now-you should know-LU has a Liberty Way which involves official rules blah blah blah. My outfit was NOT Liberty Way. It was very opposite of Liberty Way and it was very opposite of Whitney way as well. But I marched my hoochielookinself to my car across campus looking like this. Imagine: white, short, tight skirt buttoned up the back where you could see my hiny. Spaghetti strap tight shirt. Freezing cold. I told myself that if an RA approached me to write me up, I'd have her smell my backpack. But none did, and I've never gotten to my car quicker.

Thanks for listening to my horrarrassing moment. I love you. The end.