Friday, November 18, 2011


*A Hair Stylist's Nightmare*

A friend sent me the coolest picture editor today. So I needed to try it out. This is from June...can we say sliiiightly overdue?

I've had a rough few months but am now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I'll write more about that later. I keep saying that, and I am obviously a liar. Oh, can't always be good.


leslie.kidd said...

Hi Whitney! It's been a really long time since we've talked, but I do follow your blog and keep up with you! :) I love your picture editor - what is it? I use Photo Effect Studio Pro and Color Splash Studio. I love the 1st one, the 2nd one I've still got to play around some more. Hope you are doing well! Remember our summer class together? :) ~ Leslie

Rachel said...

Whit, I am wetting my pants laughing out loud while looking at this picture!!! YOU remind me of myself so much...those huge KITCHEN SCISSORS to cut B's hair...HELLO, can you say I have been there and done that and ruined y'all's hair so many stinkin times?!?! I thought maybe I warned you about this but maybe I didn't...or maybe you have to learn the hard way like me even AFTER being told kitchen scissors will disappoint you!!! haha

Kelli said...

liar liar pants on fire. i love you.